
Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

BALI is MY LIFE !! (part 1))

BALI I MISS YOU !!!!!!!!!

Bali itu memori yang gak bakal pernah gw lupain seumur hidup gw!

Gw cinta bali pake bangetttt
Bali itu tempat dimana gw bs merasakan quote LIVING YOUNG AND WILD N FREE !!!
misa bali so mach đź‘„❤

So gw ini tinggal di bali kurang lebih 3taun
Gw kost di daerah monang maning
Dari kostan gw kemana -kemana sih lumayan deket ke kuta 30 menit ke legian 45 menit gk jauh kan???

I really miss that place
Bali island whose had 1000pura
Bali is the best place i ever live ❤❤❤❤

Balik lg kecerita gw ..

Bali itu emg bagus dan lu gak bakal nyesel kesana tapi disatu sisi kehidupan gw dibali gak sebaik kehidupan gw di tangerang kalo lu pada tau
Kehidupan gw dibali itu bebas dan gw udh gak tau lagi gimana gw harus deskripsiin kehidupan gw dibali..

Gw punya banyak temen di bali mereka yang ngisi kehidupan kosong gw selama tiga tahun tanpa orang tua gw
Gw punya komplotan yang bernama ANAK NONGOL kalo diindonesiakan sih artinya anak2 yg agak budi alias BUDEK DIKIT wkwlwlkw
Kita selalu gaholl tiap malmingg
Jaman dulu nih kita sering banget pergi dugem rame-rame beradanya tempat dugem itu rumah kedua gw wkwkwk
Kalo masuk tempat dugem pastinya lu harus contact -contactan dulu sm tmn lu yg tdinya lu ngajak cm 5org tapi sampe didalem tempat dugem lu bisa nemuin temen lu seRT kali wkekwkkww

Pengalaman gw tentang dugem ...
Gw pernah pergi dugem selama 2minggu nonstop dan itu bikin perut gw gak bs netral dr alkohol ☹
Selama seminggu full gw pergi awalnya cuma berdua bertiga ehhhh ujung2nya ketemu sama temen - temen bongoll gw , yaudah deh terima nasib aja kalo udah ketemu mereka pasti pulang gak selamat deh wkwkwkwk

Gw lanjutin nanti yer pegel gw ngetik wkwkwk


Kampus? Kehidupan kuliah? Penting ya? Perlu diikutin gak sih? Apa asiknya kuliah? Emg abis kuliah lu bakal dapet kerjaan yang sama? Kerjaan lu yang sekarang aja gak sama sama kuliah yang lu ambil.

Kerja???? Itu kehidupan kayak di neraka kali! Lu kerja jadi tenaga bantuan yang dpt gaji sebulan sekali dan belum tentu kerjaan lu enak! Kerja gak asik ahhh. Kerja? Ngapain coba kalo bokap nyokap lu udh punya uang penghasilan tinggal minta tes nanti nikah kelar deh ..

Kadang gw suka mikir kayak gitu, kehidupan kerja sambil kuliah pasti bertapak banget tapi kalo lu jalanin aja semua aman aja kok. Hidup lu gak kayak di neraka juga kok hahaha :D

Ini gw share sih menurut pengalama gw sih. Gw ini orangnya paling males kalo di suruh kerja ini itu dan blablabla yang bikin gw ribet, gw lebih suka duduk tenang, dapet uang tidur makan jalan -jalan dan do nothing ..
Gw yakin semua orang pasti maunya kayak gitu tapi kalo lu gak kerja dan lu gak kuliah lu mau jadi apa??????? Mau jd pengemis di pinggir jalan?? Atau lu mau jadi gembel??? |:
Gak kan? Makanya gw juga udh mulai berfikir kayak gitu ..

1. Gw gak niat kuliah
2. Gw gak niat kerja
3. Gw iseng lamar kerja + kuliah

Hasilnya? Gw kuterima di dua tempat itu dan gw shock! Gw udh berusaha buat gw gak kuterima di kedua tempat itu tapi tuhan berkata lain #halaaaahhhh
Yaudahlah akhirnya gw mensyukuri segalanya aja wkwkwkw

Pertama emang susah sih kerja, namanya juga baru pertama pasti banyak salah lah kena omel sana sini, dapet gosip dimana mana dan itu gak enak. Tapi yaudahlah gw orgnya let it flow jadi baik - baik aja deh di tempat kerja.

Kuliah? Gw kira kuliah ribet banyak tugas dan gak asik soalnya tmnnya banyak yg udh kerja dan kolot. Tapi ngk juga ah..
Kuliah malem gak bikin lu stress kok. Lu bisa dpt banyak temen yg lebih dewasa dari lu dan jangan salah! Mereka boleh tampang tua tp jiwanya muda abisssss!!! Wkwkwkw
Kuliah gak selamanya seribet yang lu pikirin kok. Kuliah itu asik..
Asik jalan -jalannya, asik bolosnya + asik temennya :D

So, buang deh pikiran lu tentang kerja sambil kuliah itu ribet. Semua emang susah pertamanya tp tenang semakin lama lu jalanin kehidupan lu semakin ngerti lu sm artinya kerja sambil kuliah #apaan sihgwajagakngertisampeskrg wkwkwk

Lu semua harus coba deh kuliah sambil kerja asik deh pokoknya #sekarangsihyggwrasainitugaktaunanti :3


Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

How To Have A Happy Life


Happiness is something that we all strive for, yet many of us find it challenging to grasp and even harder to maintain. Especially during these difficult economic times, happiness can feel like it is hiding just behind next week’s paycheck, a new job, or a distant raise. However, as Dr. Robert Putnam of Harvard University recently pointed out, “money alone can buy you happiness, but not much.”(1) It appears that happiness has less to do with money than we might imagine, and more to do with the people around us, how we live our lives, the way spend our time, and how we perceive ourselves and understand our life experiences.
Based on the latest research in psychology and my experience as both a psychologist trying to understand happiness, and as a human being searching for my own happiness, here are 11 ways to live a happier life…that have nothing to do with money!

1) Practice Gratitude

No matter where they are or what they are doing, happy people recognize that they always have something to be grateful for. Research in the field of Positive Psychology has shown that people who practice gratitude are happier, less stressed and less depressed!(2) Happy people can easily find gratitude in the world around them, whether they are looking at the cracks in the pavement in the concrete jungle or the sun setting over the ocean. It is possible to find gratitude even in smallest of things, like a delicious meal, a good book, a challenging yoga class, or a smile from a stranger on the street.

Each of us has a choice on how we focus our attention. Choosing to focus on gratitude for the beauty and uniqueness of life instead the stressors and problems will make you feel happier and more relaxed.

2) Find a place of Flow

In Positive Psychology, the concept of “Flow” is defined as the “complete immersion in activity for it’s own sake.”(3) When we are in flow, such as when we are running a race, writing a song, or reading a great book, our self-awareness dissipates, time seems to stop, and we become focused, peaceful, and attentive to the task at hand.  People who frequently experience flow tend to be happy, productive, creative and focused.
You can reach a state of flow by putting special attention to tasks that you find intrinsically rewarding and enjoyable. In other words, carve out some time to do what you LOVE! For more information about how to find your flow, explore Dr. Mikhal CsĂ­kszentmihályi’s book, Finding Flow.(4)

3) Smile More

If you are feeling down or having a rough day, it is possible to cheer yourself up by simply thinking of a person, place or situation that makes you smile! Indeed, research in psychology has shown that the physical act of smiling will make you feel happier, even if you are just flexing the muscles of your mouth and not intentionally smiling!(5)
While scientists are not yet completely certain why the simple of act of smiling makes you feel happy, it has been suggested that smiling contracts the facial muscles, leading to more blood flow to the brain’s frontal lobes, which in turn triggers release of dopamine, one of the pleasure chemicals in the brain.(6) So bust out the comedies and get your giggle on (or maybe let someone tickle you a little bit)!

4) Embrace Your Mistakes

We are all perfectly imperfect in this human form, and it is only natural that we make mistakes (sometimes very often!) Living in denial about your mistakes or getting wrapped up in your ego will only you make you miserable and block you from learning valuable lessons that will help you grow and improve.

By embracing your mistakes, you will be able to forgive yourself, and the bonus is that other people might actually like you more! According to Dr. Eliot Aronson’s “Pratfall effect” in Social Psychology, making mistakes makes competent people seem more attractive, and more human to others.(7) Happy people seem to intuitively know this, embracing mistakes as learning experiences and not judging themselves too harshly.

5) Maintain an Optimistic Attitude

Happy people tend to respond to negative events in a more optimistic manner than unhappy people. Positive psychologist Dr. Martin Seligman defines optimism as “reacting to problems with confidence and high personal ability,” specifically, recognizing that negative events are temporary and limited in scope.(2) Research has linked optimism with a plethora of positive outcomes including longevity, recovery from illness, overall physical health, enhanced coping skills and problem solving in difficult situations.
Overall, optimism is a central component of staying happy and healthy, so when in doubt, look on the bright side.

6) Surround yourself with Supportive People

Even though this life can sometimes feel like an individual journey, we need other people around us in order to feel happy. In fact, recent research has indicated that social relationships are the strongest predictors of happiness, much stronger than income or wealth.(1) For example, according to Robert Putnam’s groundbreaking study, making a good friend causes an increase of happiness equal to tripling ones salary, belonging to a social club is equivalent to doubling one’s salary, and so on.
The take home message here is that social support is a huge indicator of happiness and wellbeing. People with perceived positive social relationships even live longer!8 So be social, surround yourself with people who make you feel good, and release those who make you feel bad.

7) Learn when to say “No”

As psychologist Dr. Thema Davis so beautifully puts it, “saying yes to happiness means learning to say no to things and people that stress you out.”(9) Happy people know that they must say NO to people, ideas, and behaviors that do not serve their highest good. Saying yes to everyone and everything can lead you to feel overwhelmed, increase your stress, and leave you less time and resources to take care of yourself! This is especially true when you agree to do things that do not resonate with you, or allow yourself to be pressured into situations you are uncomfortable with.

The stress that results from feeling overwhelmed can severely dampen one’s happiness and wellbeing. Before you commit to anything or anyone, ask yourself, does this serve my highest good? If the answers is no, then learn to say NO. 

8) Unplug & Spend More time in Nature

Although it may feel natural after a lifetime of conditioning, human beings were not designed to spend our day hunched over a desk with electronics plugged into our ears and eyes. No, we are meant to be spending time outside, away from the buzz of technology, the radiation from cell-phones and the blaring of screens. Happy people understand that it is their human birthright to give themselves quiet time to reflect and find serenity. According to the July 2010 Harvard Health Letter, time outdoors in nature has been linked to happiness because light elevates people’s moods, as does vitamin D, a byproduct of spending time outside.(10)
If you really want to maximize the benefits of outdoor time, spend time in green nature – even five minutes of “green exercise” can lead to improvements in mood and self-esteem, according to researchers at the University of Essex.(10) Even better, combine your outside time with meditation, yoga, or other therapeutic movement arts. There is a plethora of research demonstrating that all of these will further enhance your mood and overall wellbeing. 

9) Practice Forgiveness

This one can be challenging for the many of us who have been wronged and/or who have experienced traumas perpetrated by other people in our lives. But as my life partner, sound healer Jimmy Ohm always says, “forgiveness does not mean that what happened was ok, it just means you no longer want to carry the pain.”(11) When we hold on to anger, resentment and fear towards people, they are actually occupying a space inside of us, blocking us from feeling truly happy and fulfilled.
Dr. Fred Luskin of the Stanford University Forgiveness Project has found that forgiveness is a huge predictor of happiness and wellbeing, explaining how “forgiveness is the experience of peacefulness in the present moment.”(12) For more on his research, visit his website, Forgive For Good.(13)

10) Try New Things

Happy people are not afraid to push their boundaries and try new things. Research by psychologist Dr. Rich Walker has shown that people who engage in a variety of experiences are more likely to retain positive emotions than people who have fewer experiences.(14) Sure it might seem scary at first, but what’s the worst that could happen? By going beyond your comfort zone, you might actually surprise yourself and exceed your own expectations for what you are capable of accomplishing. And hey if it doesn’t go as planned, at least you still tried, didn’t you?

As Dr. Alex Lickerman M.D. writes in Happiness in this World, trying something new requires courage, it opens up the possibility for you to enjoy something new, it keeps you from becoming bored, and perhaps most importantly, it forces you to grow.(15) So what have you always wanted to try but you didn’t think you had the guts? What are you waiting for? 

11) Look in the mirror every morning and say “I Love you!”

For many of us, self-love is the greatest challenge and blockage to happiness. Years of being told by family, educators and especially the media that we are not good enough, not successful enough, not attractive enough, not capable enough and so on has left many of us feeling beaten down and unworthy. The truth is that no matter who you are and what has happened in your life, YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE! Say it out loud to yourself until you believe it.
Psychologists have long known that self-esteem is intrinsically connected to happiness, but how does one build self-esteem? I believe we build self-esteem through practicing self-love and self-acceptance. One of the simplest things you can do is to look in the mirror every morning and say, “I love you!” For some, this may come easy, and for others, it may be extremely challenging. I know that at first I tried and tried to do this and I would break down in tears because I felt so unworthy. Eventually through practicing daily mantras of self-love and self-acceptance, I was able to learn to love myself. And while the path to unconditional self-love is a life-long journey and not a destination, today I feel happier than I have ever felt. ☺ I hope that these happiness tips will help guide you on your journey as much as they have helped me on mine. Namaste.


Hell – o !!

Ini pertama kalinya gw pake blog yang sebenernya gw udh buat dr zaman purbakala.
Gw gak pernah ngerti caranya pake blog dan gw gak tau menau tentang gimana ngatur – ngatur blog dan sebagainya.
Jadi kalo lu pada liat blog gw dan isinya flat jangan salahin gw yaa..

Gw berusaha semampu gw buat dapet nilai dimata kuliah computer di kampus wkwkw
Kata dosen sih blog itu tempat curhat sama kayak diary tapi ini lebih tepatnya ngespam cerita yang gaje dan mohon kesabarannya yak yang baca blog gw hihihi :p 

Well, biasa sih orang tua suka bilang tak kenal maka tak sayang. Tapi meskipun gw gak kenal lu atau lu gak kenal gw tetep gw sayang sama lu pada kok wkwk
Nama gw Xiena Oeidya Levina , lu bisa manggil gw sesuka lu deh kalo nama gw susah buat disebut. Kebanyakan temen gw sih manggil gw xiena, xien , xie whateverlah ya Cuma panggilan doang kok nevermindlah ~

Gw lahir di ponorogo bulan maret 1995 , gw anak pertama dari 4 bersaudara, gw sekarang kerja di Harvest Christian School , dan gw kuliah di Perguruan Tinggi Buddhi yang katanya sih nanti bakal jadi Universitas. Aminin aja yah biar cepet jadi universitas hihihi.. 

Keluarga gw semua sederhana, gak milih – milih. Apa yang lu punya yaudah lu syukurin aja gak ribet. Bokap gw kerja di kantor, nyokap gw di rumah jadi ibu rumah tangga, tapi ibu rumah tangga pengacara ( pengangguran banyak acara) hahaha :D 

Gw punya adek yang bisa dibilang nyebelin bangett, mereka gak pernah nurutin gw – maklumlah gw tinggalin mereka 3 tahun dibali maklumin aja kalo mereka gak pernah bisa dengerin gw :s

Hmmm… kayaknya sih udh cukup kali yakk gw kenalin diri gw , kalo lu mau kenal gw just intro aja yaa di comment :)